
Golden Paste For Dogs: A Recipe Your Dog Will Love

Golden Paste For Dogs: A Recipe Your Dog Will Love

Learn more about golden paste and its benefits for dogs.

Golden paste for dogs has been billed as the antidote to many ailments and touted as an all-around super food for pups. Tt’s called "golden paste" (the name says it all!). It’s anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy and anti-cancer—and unlike other so-called magical cures, golden paste doesn’t cost a mortgage (more like a latte).

What is Golden Paste for Dogs?

Golden paste is a turmeric-based paste that is created by mixing turmeric, black pepper and coconut oil with water. Easy! Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, and has recently become increasingly popular in the United States as an alternative to prescription or over-the-counter medication for both humans and their pets.

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 golden paste for dogs

Golden Paste Recipe for Dogs

Doug English, the vet who created the golden paste recipe, shares his recipe:

  • ½ cup turmeric powder
  • 1 cup water
  • ⅓ cup raw, unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil
  • 2-3 tsp cracked black pepper

Boil the turmeric and water before lowering the heat and simmering until it turns into a paste (this should take 7 to 10 minutes). Add the pepper and oil after it’s been removed from heat and cooled down, about 10 minutes later.

The Benefits of Golden Paste for Dogs

We reached out to Napa Valley Holistic Vet Kimberly Schmidt, who gushed about the benefits of golden paste, answered our questions, and told us how you can whip it up at home. Turmeric on its own has anti-inflammatory powers— and it’s a great pain reliever. “It has even been shown to have a positive effect on cancer cells,” she says.

If your pet has inflammatory diseases such as cancer or arthritis, turmeric can be especially beneficial. Taken alone, only a small amount of the active component, called curcumin, gets absorbed into your pup’s bloodstream, though. “By combining curcumin with piperine—a compound in black pepper—the bioavailability increases dramatically," Schmidt explains.

Translation: When combined with black pepper, turmeric in the paste is better absorbed into your dog’s blood. The coconut oil in the recipe makes the liver metabolize the curcumin slower, so it's better absorbed by your dog. Plus, coconut oil has its own health benefits.

Read more: Best Foods for Dogs and Pups with Sensitive Skin